Success marks the conclusion of the 4th MeDiterrate Symposium : ” Greece within the European and the Global Context”
The Foundation for Mediterranean Studies – MeDiterrate, in collaboration with the Institute of International Economic Relations and the Papazisis Publications, on the occasion of the release of the book by Professor Napoleon Maravegias “Ψηφίδες Σύγχρονης Οικονομίας και Πολιτικής: Ελλάδα• Ευρώπη• Κόσμος ” organized a public discussion with the theme: “Greece within the European and the Global Context” held on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at the Hall of Journalist’s Union of Athens Daily Newspapers, Athens Greece.
The debate developed into a particularly constructive and insightful exchange of views on the future of Greece in the European Union and the world.
It was underlined that Greece’s participation in the European Union is a fundamental achievement, offering a framework of stability, security, and prosperity. The active involvement within the EU’s framework and the utilization of all the possibilities provided by the Union are necessary to tackle the challenges of the future in our troubled world.
We extend our sincere gratitude to the event speakers: Andreas Karamanos –Member of the Academy of Athens-, Yiannis Stournaras–Governor of the Bank of Greece, Professor, University of Athens-, Angelos Syrigos –Member of Parliament, N.D., Associate Professor, Panteion University-, Loukas Tsoukalis –President of ELIAMEP, Professor of Sciences Po in Paris-, and Charalambos Tsardanidis – Director of the Institute of International Economic Relations, Honorary Professor of the University of Peloponnese– , for their thoughtful and intriguing recommendations, which contributed to the meaningful and fruitful discussion. We express appreciation to Papazisi Publications and the Institute of International Economic Relations for their outstanding event organization.